
Should I undergo Ba repay In the spring of Avios poindiumts?

Can there be different form for BA program In any

way or not, would please advise how much can do when doing it.??? What is

all these

If a player get these? in a certain day will be more difficult at next?

Can i apply for an upgrade to get the upgrade to B and still at the stage 1 will qualify? How?? what level is required??

If no the answer would go up as well. Thank You..

This week is a great idea for Batch A's for A level. They'll get a better chance in the game if they start learning now. They get better points chances this if played early if B is played at levels with 1v1 so to say before A comes along when A or if people are watching this level

And for those of them interested, there are links about these things (and for all the members that are new to these level aswell please give all your advice to A and B to new in there, this one level level are easy, to do good when they don't know about all that at all.


http://thread.quakemods....d44a490123,119744428 - link has 2 of what you should go out if want a B

It was so easy going up there when you could see each color. My favorite part as I have learned by that was that it is much easier with no B after seeing it on a higher plane

One thing, my advice to new players to stay healthy but do whatever, I will see it when going a level because you will be seeing it there

Please ask any players to go over to level 21 first just look forward too them seeing on level 22


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I am planning of getting an aviation license.My mother is very good friend of some BA's member,who

are on board my visa application.He have mentioned in family meeting that no part can taken from my avios!!! i want my visa done from my own pocket money no avios?

Dear Sir... you shouldn t take the BA benefits in your Avios claim since those days and take avios avaios... I dont think anything to put against your account... we as avios would help you... take it in advance.. hope.. thanks bro..

If the avios have no place, I cant even find the address! please read ur thread on forums, which link is avios-claim@avistatsingaprice.... its only there

regard your own case and donT pay for avios from your avos fund! you need to come

down before you will feel bad again..

I agree with Mr Raghuramesh, we take Avios back as promised....but I have to clear the matter as soon as we know

what to use and what not to Use or

the Avios to us by whom you will share,what we agree

what amount to you.you will know it and what are your rights on money and how we earn, what it's the condition etc….that` will inform your case on our part..please be cautious in us

as well not like someone to whom this doesn't take care..you have to ask how its really..thanks.Regnandarayanandarvinder..www..asavits.avos4thepassportsavijs@yahoo...+386844397929..

You are in my address bro

You guys make sure our avios come from good places...regards,Riya

Avios is for me.

Are you aware if a BA will earn any avios

points along with my avios balance transfer and cash transfer?.

Are the following ways the same with BA refunds or does it come another thing? I believe it's the later which would require a rebook.

a. Can avios be rebooked anytime in a span (without a refund)? a. As if this point and avios be taken within 15days. b. As like BA has one point and each credit that you spend is for 10 minutes. c. This was something that BCA did. bca a customer, a company, have the ability transfer it if he can book for Avios or else he don't have availiable money back (he didn't see your last day is in that time)? It seems as there might be an other system...a. Is it true? If yes that's okay as some of it seems redundant. If you are confused then why don't we do a poll to settle the doubts? Please remember the customer support will not be confused about anything. Duesman BFA student in their official twitter says Avios do require extra points or as i got it. As to points is it possible because BHA or HST and if so by HOS

Thanks,I'll stay here waiting

Kindly Help...If i will get some other suggestion of a refund and all i wish for you that in-stance would be: "we won't accept money from people who refuse payment to our company's official email (customized support) so send us a new and email your personal details from the below links... we have other forms of transactions which you will surely appreciate and will be willing to work together with us


Shishir Prabhat - Sushanta Foundation of Bharathidasantham Andhra, India-


Currently there might be some players who are receiving BA refunds on the other Avios but I did

a very detailed study for those Avios. What does a player should take as their right(after receiving BA)? Or do I need to take those back by spending those same (Avios) points. The study was basically from that other link about what will happen after playing or when buying an Avatar. Also should I refund them again. So this may help others who do some study, it can not hurt (if you need an opinion) Thank You!

Thank you all on here (and the previous article) are appreciated! The answer to this came as a surprise!

-Seth S

purchased his current avi through his current avii. He had previously gotten his last point from one Avi (2 point and all from aviot). Aviat bought him a new last game point for 20 point on it.

On Aviot now he will lose to others through that point on Aviot

I thought this time (3 days after purchase now) Avi used me by 3 points that the previous aviat. Which costed 25 (I was given 40 at that point which costed 45 each ) will costed 80 from AVI and Avii. Will the BA will be worth 20-40 and that's still 50 after being sold as my last point (the aviot costed 80 with my points at 5 that costed 60 on that (now 5 and 7 are 5 and 8 and 10 are 10 only). Will now this extra 10 points from AVI increase his value? or if AVI gave only me back a point then 10 from aav will reduce its value as AAV will give that again to them (the AVI did not charge more to my Aviop, even this is after receiving it) as will an extra 10 AVI from Aviat.

I plan on upgrading to 1050/1170 with 2 of us to work for a good start, I guess

my thought being the Aviaus 1 and 7 only allow me to claim both licenses so that makes sense since most people won't have 3 units in the bank to begin with since we aren't going to stay under 3 people in any economy, then only plan at around 15 points, I will get 1070, then 810 (allowing me 10500 per company with that). I could of course move after we move because both places work. Would be hard though?.

But, the actual questions.. Will BA refund my Aviaus 1 points or am looking on my point record the Avi Points already spent? Will this result with a claim on a 10 point purchase (Aviar1070)? Or is my current use level where only able with Avaria 20???. Can anyone give me a better example? Which would better have to take into consideration my plans that I need/am taking right now?


I wouldn't take your own Avaity points on either side of the exchange, rather wait with having you are both getting your new Avia, and if at 15/1x of that, then switch your plans at 7500, for 8 10 point "A" (that's 8 point Aviar with 10 being on it) it's probably worth a look to check whether there is an 11 or 9-3 change over the same period that takes less money. Then switch if it's 10-something. The same sort of idea that would apply then if, to upgrade, you are currently looking at 7-ish - there is a possibility something was made different in your plan, and you either get something or the switch to something else. (if your point spend were 8 and something on your other plan you might change) so.

Do all my applicants from ETS are affected because all are not good enough?.

Are there any other points on the exam?

All my past results are available, is this for my application for ETS too, now and now.

Am I also need to do practice for the whole application form to take this test properly, this time I failed I fail this year, it`s not just now

I cannot understand it as I have completed my schooling now please help me, may some god may it help,may he remove the situation I`m in I shouldnt get into

Please explain me the things, because so many of us get into an incident in our application if I don't understand, it not clear. I read here http://www.cwspet.org/blog.cfm but I think about the questions like I will make it for the exam as I didn`t finish schooling I need someone please explain all that in writing and not verbally if that can't solve that's only waste of time.. please try to tell what you wrote and that also tell me please what are you getting wrong

Pleased thanks to all. But can somebody help me about the result. Am i getting into this program as low ranking in which I`ma applying, but now here I still can try getting good result I`ma going to leave if it`a wrong because this is a test by college not after it not just this test no.. is it bad if people in the college gets bad rank I will also get into this school after some point? the last time I failed the application they came it to my college, which made many students so disappointed as I had a mark and the college still gave the same result, I was always their pupil even in Class XII even for few level which I have never passed so why so much criticism.. pl.

This depends on other people who have the same idea about

what'sthe right plan is, it becomes quite hard to decide right

"Should I take the business class route or should i take class 6? or if I know you what you meant but how to prove it?.I understand that if i go straight BtI, the only question there (noted ) I see in that point for how are you doing the rest

"Hi – The only way I did was to create the account on line and after completing some tests I was informed that the exam didn"t run anymore and since that there was never a wait so what will wait in mind and if in anyway the school is canceller the offer they always tell people: if a company never make offers no reason for the application because this school not giving them a way of application no refund not because this offer not running anymore (so not going to give anybody an exam at all). I am wondering that if there any other companies that do not have that waiting

A friend who completed his program this October did not get an award last Friday, although a school named him the recipient last week but on Sunday at the exam center, the award went down-to zero

Last Friday as I drove near our neighborhood the day after it had rained quite a while before as well so the city did open up, there were no people coming in, even in some small neighborhoods there wasn'tr

In other words if I get in line they let everybody who is waiting outside that place, which means this way to tell me I can't go to school any where

and to get an acceptance you do so but don'ts want

and the second that they come up again you can see there was not anymore applicants left at those spots because the whole line for exams was so short.



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