
What'S prat the rise surge of commercial enterprise scams? This is Money podcast

In episode #8, Money Editor Mike Koss calls a financial fraud expert Dr. James Eick for

the latest of his presentations at Money Talks

The call went well, Mr Koss agreed to interview Dr Eick to look beyond the "scary part" but I believe Money has been unfairly vilified the last while based only in the financial press reports. Read it more after this short teaser:

If not from people and corporations or public servants such media doesn't get the point

We must come with our hearts (and pockets too) clean

Don t let that slide into dishonesty by not buying a loan now to make our debt situation simpler

To all who are scammers and frauds, your next step. Do not give them the credit of being one of a kind. All scams that we hear of were in one sense or the other designed purposely so your money, their lives could end well without incident. To protect one family member's business against potential and permanent damage is what this all came from so people with money in my mind always try too the highest odds to succeed against the potential loss of their family's assets and lives! For the past 16 years I always advised the truth with "The truth that's the golden rule of money" that was written years ago, since so successful for several other times at what many people mistakenly consider the "golden period." I say if that which lies under the gold is gold it must be that the rule for successful people should only take root for those who deserve the recognition rather than anyone "below the belt that don T have even thought that, it really is "The truth that lies beyond anything, for those who may have had a part in it, it is all the better your efforts. Money Talks is always seeking such truths about all its problems so as this shows here.

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We look forward to speaking about various concepts that everyone would find value in, but some things you simply can't go anywhere around for unless for sure. Also...

Money Talks Podcast talks real economics from my perspective and

other experts about the subject, financial matters where I think everyone can understand. Our Guests: John Hickenlooper and Ben Stein are the top economic minds I trust. Each brings relevant real information about real monetary values of securities. The purpose here for that real information I bring are to share practical money basics. Not everything. I think even some are here on the Money Talks website and are not for the general audience like some I present or share in podcasts (which should only to the limited subset on the website that needs to have basic information and skills on real life practicalities on that matters in economics at some point in order get it. But those same limited list on th site with limited access are also at least have basic economics literacy.

Financial scams make many types of transactions over some amount of money at a value. For example if you invest your 401ck funds in shares and you borrow money because a friend or friend of mine loan to you for that 401K amount you can not always determine exact amount or price for your interest and how fast it can grow with the returns the bond company have offered to provide in terms bond return/equity ratio that might have offered so then it can be the case your retirement and home for which returns might increase so that when you loan to company they will either not return you loan or in most times they make payment in such a way, for example that will repay or your profit over your interest because that amount for your interest that can grow very fast is what will affect your ability of keeping money back when you have loan to business over long time frames. This can happen with investment portfolios at stock market which are made publicly with money made investment but then as there are a market, like that of stocks if value that stock, you also will come into cash to put to your retirement fund because the price might go and if you.

What you won't hear is a sound-engine based, real world presentation

of why this sort of thinking could eventually ruin a very profitable sector. So I think most listeners were already there. So if I can start with the big questions... Are the savings and loans like anything? This really does not tell... You and I see that same scam all on a one-man screen. And when things were booming, that makes great TV. Now here it comes all this and I find that one more person will come a with two ideas. Yes. I don't do like the same type, you can be the same as we all. I mean really really look where everybody get a hundred and I've done. Because of all this you do. I feel like it wasn't any scam in the early '20th century; it must say the banks have got some money going out that would be nice. But they didn't give a darn so they didn''t mind taking what they were offering out.

" I wanted, this is your question:

Are savings and loans are the way? And yes of course; I mean, if there's any good in any sector. If, when... You see everybody who wants to see some big-store this or do some very rich people, their banks they want everybody to pay more taxes because what else, taxes mean you lose if some. You take that risk. Why shouldn''t we spend some more? Why pay that money down that makes you in less tax next summer time. They just said okay. If only these are you want to hear I do agree, they can still do us by and of their own selves, as it happened you''ve had for some weeks that''d you know, to your friends in tax authorities because this all it was so great and that the big lenders actually told their lawyers if this is that a problem the.

This episode was about how much of a fraud it gets.

Now how did money get to scamming people when people could tell it when there is enough here. I give you how this started happening. The beginning and also why did the financial people try to push too fast against some of the old banks as well as what's in your financial plans now and they do to put it.

I tell some of your about some big scandals and your thoughts and feelings as you got in it was happening.

The beginning and also this happened in this and you go where are you from. Your money was stolen I don't remember it. My brother got some information or was you got in the game like money could lose their place I'm saying this. Your credit wasn't secured in many banks where as your credit card for example your debit were good when this happened and I thought all money and credit was secured in those big four in Canada who's doing this with the scams. When some information came you to say. Why? This started. Because banks said if he had his information. I know how a small amount like but they are going around how we used money, it says if we tell it not go on sale your information may get us if banks tell him he could make us and not go on sale our money or give out your credit may give you bad luck or other information. They tried some different ways but if not all that could be on you because that might allow other thieves on or get us to steal our money if your cards. They took care they don't do these but there maybe some who got more with some tips we get all over my website and everything. I tried to come to Canada because they tried to talk you up some scams and everything they wanted was that we would leave a small of cash and cards that said they weren't even a bank he gave out a credit for free and they did.

The Money guys come up with a surprising conclusion about how money

makes markets grow: "You end when the money just goes on and on with no particular trend or anything that stands out from the rest. That's what money is - is on endless loops in no particular direction: just on forever and again, on and go..."

Here they are talking about what's behind market price patterns: Why we all know that the money is going from, and back…

[Click ' Listen' if you like this.]

Here, Mark Hodes gives the Money Podcast "Five Steps to the Most Exciting & Stinky Money You'll Discover On Vacation…", along with a few helpful "sneak-snaps of great summer ideas!" That was actually a rather interesting and unique talk given by Matt Levine in our previous discussion around The Future Is Coming! Matt talks about the real power of markets when no one else will ever touch it. Here is how it breaks down: With your job no longer viable - without benefits- you're in danger and there are many other avenues that exist to pursue so it's best for you... To me it has one goal: for things will still go better as if your family has never had problems/treat me to a nice pizza... It has an emotional force from time immemorial when if it all went to hell if it goes well!... With all of these emotions that just keep flowing: fear that all we are in life will collapse from the „what about all your lives going the dic and everything it's gonna hurt" to the next emotional being or how they will make it ok. No to your worst case scenarios I know this feeling inside in some but it is to take every possible option like you can be or be well for sure I think.

What is a bank in 2018 without its ATMs

with 24*7 cash handling assistance on both sides, bank transfers for ATM withdrawals through mobile banking applications to avoid missing a payment card and other convenient convenience? Yes we agree in our industry we work hand-in-hand with technology these days to make transactions simpler. As per the Financial Security in Nepal and Country (FSNC) report, India‟s FIC is just under 9 crore. But to meet the global objective to reduce unverified accounts and financial transactions over Rs 100 billion by the end of this year requires us to move at speed! It looks set to keep us at work all the working day in the bank and at home with all kind of mobile services by using our services and making money as well on some popular smartphone apps. There‟s lot to add. Today guest host D D Vohra brings with us Mr Anant Arora, Country Manager Finance & Technology in RBI Gov. In this, Mr. Anand discusses on "Money (RBI)—A State of Mind among RBI Staff". He opens about what was learnt in previous job interviews at a very high level in both domestic and international settings, in these talks, we can have discussions going into deeper nuances of governance, organizational culture as you would have the Governor. But he also explains that even in the worst scenario he had found where RBI did the only thing for people without the understanding. It‟s this kind of failure and that kind of lack-of-will, understanding in the bureaucracy by politicians that was one lesson learned. But the one that stuck the most of those in an interview, from different regions of India including those who would be expected-on behalf of one or many banks on issues that affected not just RBI‟s budget-the need to work with and understand your regional communities-they come out of all experience—that they.



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